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459 Carlisle Drive Suite A
Herndon, VA, 20170
United States


Holistic Family Health is a family run clinical facility with services such as thermography, cold laser detox, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, along with communal education for you to take charge of your health maintenance.

Site Terms & Sources

Site Terms & Sources

The content, including graphics, on this site is not to be reproduced without written permission from Family Health Thermal Imaging & Detox or the cited source. Family Health Thermal Imaging & Detox did not create the videos on this site and does not take responsibility or credit for their content. Family Health Thermal Imaging & Detox also does not take responsibility or credit for the content on linked external sites.


"American College of Clinical Thermology - ACCT." American College of Clinical Thermology - ACCT. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.


"Compass." ZYTO. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.


Cosman, Paul. "Is All Light Therapy the Same?.” Print.


Cosman, Paul. “What are Neurotoxins?." Print.


"Lectro Chi Premier Energy Foot Spa." Lectro Chi Premier Energy Foot Spa. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.


"Orthotics | Custom Orthotics |" Orthotics | Custom Orthotics | Web. 27 May 2014. <>.


"Thermography - Meditherm." Thermography - Meditherm. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.

Web. 27 May 2014. <>.


"Welcome to Meditherm Clinic Online." Welcome to Meditherm Clinic Online. Web. 27 May 2014. <>.


Site entirety: © 2014-2023 Family Health Thermal Imaging & Detox, LLC. All rights reserved.